02 November 2022

If the Village stormed by the public is hardly news anymore, yesterday – in a celebrating Saint-Malo – the day was marked by a series of technical appointments, starting with the crisis management briefing in the morning to that in the afternoon, dedicated to sailing instructions and safety. The day was marked by organisational meetings and the time spent at the chart table, in front of the weather models: “Four days before the start”, commented Alberto Bona, “it now seems almost certain that the conditions will be demanding and tough from the start. It’s very likely that we will start upwind, and we could find very rough seas at the exit of the English Channel and in the North Atlantic. The bad weather that is forming and that we see arriving indicates that there will be a first front to cross during the first phase of the regatta: now it is necessary to understand more precisely when the front will pass, and where it will be appropriate to be at that moment”.

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